Saturday, March 01, 2008

march list-o-mania!

eden over at nablopomo decided that the theme for march is lists. i love a list as much as the next prmate, so, i'm going to give it a go and post a list everyday this month.

today's installment:

a list of lists about march - four things about march

1. three things everyone knows about march:

  1. it's the third month in the western calendar.
  2. it's 31 days in length.
  3. it's named after mars.

2. three things you may not know about march:

  1. it's one of three single syllable months.
  2. it's named after the roman god of war, mars, not the planet.
  3. it's it's one of 7 months that's 31 days in length.

3. things that that make me wonder "how do even know these three things about march?"

  1. it comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
  2. it's month flower is the daffodile
  3. it's month gem is the aquamarine.

4. three march 1st holidays.

  1. beer day (iceland)
  2. st. david's day (dydd gŵyl dewi sant as they say in wales)
  3. independence day (bosnia & heregovina)


Blogger Rebecca said...

Yay March!

5:39 PM, March 02, 2008  

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