Thursday, November 08, 2007

how they met

it's end of week one of the nablopomo and as far as i can tell no one has been injured.

as a little treat i was going to interview fellow nablopomo participant matt of, but, since he was busy, i interviewed his co-blogger rebecca about him. here's an excerpt my upcoming tell-all unauthorized biography of matt called "sporky - life as a hybrid"

monkey: rebecca, how did you first meet matt?

rebecca: it was several years ago on the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy website. the site was founded by douglas adams and friends, and after he died, the BBC took it over. matt and i met in Asteroid Lil's Atelier. we were discussing important events, world politics and cookies in the salon with the other guests, when we struck up a friendship that lasts to this day. several months after we met, he asked me to post on his blog,

monkey: cookies in the salon, you say? it is true that you and matt toyed that very name for your all accordion band?

rebecca: well, not really.

for more of my hard hitting interview style, check out my interview of jodi bloom of so charmed at crafty query.


Blogger Rebecca said...

I can't wait for part two!!

9:45 PM, November 08, 2007  

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